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New York Classical Club Annual Conference 2017

  • Jurow Hall, Silver Center, New York University 100 Washington Square East (NYU) New York, NY, 10003 United States (map)

Greek Drama and Modern Realities

Jurow Hall, Silver Center (NYU), 100 Washington Sq East, New York, NY, 10003

10:00 - 10:30 AM   Registration and Refreshments

10:30 AM               Mabel Hay Barrow's Ajax in New York, 1903: Immigrants and the Elite (Ron Janoff, Co-President, NYCC)

11:15 AM                 Repairing the World through Myth and Drama (Robert Landy, Professor of Drama Therapy, NYU)

12:00 Noon           Staging Greek Drama at Montclair State University (Jerise Fogel, Montclair State University)

1:00 - 2:00 PM      Buffet Lunch for Registrants

2:00 PM                Brief Report of NYCC Scholarship Recipients

2:30 PM                Ancient Drama / Modern Veterans: War and Homecoming Then and Now (Peter Meineck, Aquila Theater & NYU)

3:15 PM                  Coffee Break

4:00 PM                The Barnard Columbia Ancient Drama Group: Director's Perspectives on Performing Plays in Greek and Latin. A roundtable discussion with Claire Catenaccio (Columbia), Melinda Powers (John Jay), and Rachel Herzog (NYU). Moderated by Helene Foley (Barnard)

6:00 PM                Wine and Cheese Reception

NYCC Conference Registration