Greek Drama and Modern Realities
Jurow Hall, Silver Center (NYU), 100 Washington Sq East, New York, NY, 10003
10:00 - 10:30 AM Registration and Refreshments
10:30 AM Mabel Hay Barrow's Ajax in New York, 1903: Immigrants and the Elite (Ron Janoff, Co-President, NYCC)
11:15 AM Repairing the World through Myth and Drama (Robert Landy, Professor of Drama Therapy, NYU)
12:00 Noon Staging Greek Drama at Montclair State University (Jerise Fogel, Montclair State University)
1:00 - 2:00 PM Buffet Lunch for Registrants
2:00 PM Brief Report of NYCC Scholarship Recipients
2:30 PM Ancient Drama / Modern Veterans: War and Homecoming Then and Now (Peter Meineck, Aquila Theater & NYU)
3:15 PM Coffee Break
4:00 PM The Barnard Columbia Ancient Drama Group: Director's Perspectives on Performing Plays in Greek and Latin. A roundtable discussion with Claire Catenaccio (Columbia), Melinda Powers (John Jay), and Rachel Herzog (NYU). Moderated by Helene Foley (Barnard)
6:00 PM Wine and Cheese Reception