Please submit the following by snail-mail or e-mail to Matthew McGowan (address below) by Friday, April 26th:
1. A completed registration form.
2. A 50-150 word description and rationale for your production.
3. A list of characters and cast members.
Format: *Adapt a scene or scenes from Ovid’s timeless epic of transformation to a 15-20 min. performance.
Objectives: You should aim to entertain and to instruct (cf. Horace, Ars Poetica 333). The best productions will demonstrate an understanding of the original, make it accessible and relevant to a contemporary audience, and offer new insights for all involved. Playful creativity is encouraged!
Rules and Guidelines:
1. Script MUST be ORIGINAL and written by participants, but translations/adaptations may of course be consulted.
2. Performances should run 15-20 MINUTES in total!
3. Space for performance is approximately seventy-five feet by twenty feet.
4. Costumes are optional, but indeed most welcome!
5. Additional set pieces must be supplied by the team, be portable, and be capable of setup / removal in three minutes: less is more
6. The members of each team must consist of students currently registered at the high school on the registration form.
7. The entries will be evaluated by a panel of judges based on the format and objectives outlined above.
8. N.b. Performance should be 15-20 min. total with a maximum of 3 min. setup / breakdown for equipment!
By performing in this contest team members consent to the following conditions: Prizes will be awarded to the team leaders. It is the team leader’s responsibility to distribute the prize to the members of his or her team equitably. Where not otherwise protected by copyright restrictions, student scripts and performances are available for photocopying, videotaping, and all of the other means of electronic reproduction by the New York Classical Club. Please complete registration
FIRST PRIZE: $300.00 SECOND PRIZE: $150.00 THIRD PRIZE: $50.00